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UbuntuEd #23.01: UFW Firewall, ZFS and Other Ubuntu Stuff


This is the beginning of the UbuntuED (Ubuntu Education) newsletter.

While Learn Ubuntu focuses on the server side of Ubuntu, the newsletter will also cover the desktop side.

So, each month, you get tips, tutorials, and tools to help you become more efficient with Ubuntu.

🗞 News

Future of ZFS on Ubuntu Doesn’t Look Good
Things were looking promising for ZFS on Ubuntu. In 2019 Ubuntu was the first major Linux distro to offer a ZFS install option. Sadly, things have changed.

🪧 Tutorials

Using UFW Firewall Commands in Ubuntu
A detailed beginner’s guide to using UFW firewall in Ubuntu command line. There is also a cheat sheet you can download for free.


Server unning out of space? Here are a few tips for diagnosing the issue:

Search for files bigger than 1GB in the current directory in the terminal:

find . -size +1G

Check the top 5 disk-consuming directories:

du -chsx <directory> | sort -rh | head -5

🧰 Tools

Nala gives a DNF like user experience to Ubuntu users.

Apt++? Nala is Like Apt in Ubuntu but Better
For decades Debian and Ubuntu users used apt-get commands. When its simpler form apt was released, people liked how it showed a progress bar while installing packages. Irrespective of the progress bar, the packages get installed the same with apt-get and apt commands. But the progress bar…

Monitorets is a small utility application offering a simple and quick view at the usage of several of your computer resources. Almost like an applet or a widget for your Linux desktop.

GitHub - jorchube/monitorets
Contribute to jorchube/monitorets development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Enjoy Ubuntu :)