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UbuntuEd #23.02: Linux Kernel Unleashed

The February edition of UbuntuEd newsletter is here. This one focuses on the Linux kernel on your Ubuntu system.


The February edition of UbuntuEd newsletter is here. This one focuses on the Linux kernel on your Ubuntu system.

🗞 News

Ubuntu Devs Working on New ‘Mini’ ISO (
A new network installer is in development for Ubuntu 23.04. The size of the ISO could be as low as 140MIB making it a good fit for USB & CDs.

🪧 Tutorials on Linux Kernel

Here are a few tutorials to learn more about the kernel on your Ubuntu system:

Pending Kernel Upgrade Error in Ubuntu Server
Seeing a ‘pending kernel upgrade’ after upgrading your Ubuntu server? Here’s what it means.

💡Command Line Tips

  • Perform a case-insensitive search inside a compressed file.
zgrep -i "search_term" <file_name>
  • To display all the lines from line number x to line number y, use this:
sed -n 'x,yp' lines.txt

🧰 Tools

Get All Kind of System Information in Linux Terminal With inxi
inxi is a CLI tool that lists information about your Linux system. This includes both hardware and software details. You get simple details like which computer model you have, which kernel, distribution and desktop environment you are using etc. You also get details like which RAM slot of your mothe…

😂 Meme

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