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Package Management

Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras in Ubuntu

A single package that gives you all the essential media codecs. Learn to install Ubuntu Restricted Extras package.

The Ubuntu restricted extras is a package that includes a huge number of media codecs that will allow you to play media files in MP3, MP4, H264 etc formats.

Yes, a single package and it gives you a number of media codecs, including Microsoft fonts.

Installing the package is simple:

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

You need to have the multiverse repository enabled. Mostly, this repository is enabled by default.

Want more details? Worry not. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the following:

  • What you get inside the Ubuntu restricted extras package
  • How to install Ubuntu restricted extras in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu and Xubuntu

So let's start with the first one.

Contents of the Ubuntu Restricted Extras

This ubuntu-restricted-extras is a meta package. If you don't know, a meta package contains multiple packages inside it.

And to get more details about the packages, you can use the apt show command as shown:

apt show ubuntu-restricted-extras
check the contains of the meta package in Ubuntu

As you can see, when you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, you can expect the following:

  • MP3 and other audio and video codecs (uses GStreamer plugins)
  • Microsoft fonts installer
  • Adobe Flash plugin (should have been deprecated)
  • LAME, a software to create compressed audio files

Now, let's have a look at the installation process.

Install Ubuntu Restricted Extras

The ubuntu-restricted-extras package is available in the multiverse repository and to enable it, you can use the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse

To take effect from the added repository, update the repository index:

sudo apt update

The ubuntu-restricted-extras package differs for Ubuntu flavors, so use the command accordingly.

For Ubuntu (with GNOME DE)

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

For Kubuntu:

If you're using Kubuntu, an official KDE offering from Ubuntu, use the following:

sudo apt install kubuntu-restricted-extras

For Lubuntu:

If you're using Lubuntu, which uses LXQt desktop environment, you've to use the following command for the installation:

sudo apt install lubuntu-restricted-extras

For Xubuntu:

And if you're using Xubuntu, an official Xfce desktop offering from Ubuntu, then use the given command for installation:

sudo apt install xubuntu-restricted-extras

Once you execute the command specific to your distro, it will prompt you to the user agreement license of Microsoft (as you're installing their fonts).

Use the Tab key to select the OK button and hit Enter:

user agreement licence for microsoft fonts in Ubuntu

Next, you can accept the EULA license by using the TAB key to hever to the YES and then press the Enter key:

accept EULA licence to install ubuntu restricted extras package

That's it!

Up next: Must to know Ubuntu command

If you're new to Linux, I would highly recommend checking out our detailed guide on must-know Ubuntu commands:

25 Must-Know Ubuntu Commands
New to Ubuntu? Here are the must know Ubuntu commands that will help you get control on the system more effectively in the terminal.

I hope you will find this guide helpful. Have any queries left? Drop a comment.