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UbuntuEd #24.04: File Permissions, Colorful APT, Explicit Sync in Wayland, Ubuntu 24.04 Review and More


Here's the April installment of the UbuntuEd (Ubuntu Education) newsletter.

In this edition, we will be focussing on Managing File Permissions in Ubuntu.

🪧 Managing File Permission in Ubuntu

In Linux, file permission holds a special place. Not everyone has permission to view, edit, or execute a file. In this edition of UbuntuEd, let's take a look at some of the file permission concepts in Linux. Thereafter, you can find some guides, that will familiarize you with editing text files and config files in Ubuntu.

Explore the usage of the stat command in Ubuntu.

Using Stat Command in Ubuntu
The stat command in Ubuntu gives you the ‘statistics’ of a file that includes timestamps, permissions, and inodes among other things.

You should not edit config files just like any other file. Learn how to properly edit config files in Ubuntu.

How to Edit Config Files in Ubuntu
Got to edit some config file in Ubuntu? Here’s what you need to know and do.

🗞 Ubuntu News

With Explicit Sync in Wayland, expect a flicker-free experience in Wayland sessions when using an NVIDIA GPU.

Explicit Sync in Wayland is The Answer to NVIDIA Linux Problems!
Time to say goodbye to NVIDIA Wayland issues? Sounds like it!

The latest Ubuntu LTS release is here and so are its reviews.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Review: Big Changes & Sleek User Experience
The biggest Linux distro release of 2024 (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ) is here. Here’s what we think about it.

💡 Command Line Tips

Remove empty directory recursively using the find command:

find . -type d -empty -delete

🧰 Useful Tool

Cartridges is a simple game launcher, that allows you to manage all your games in a neat user interface. It supports Steam, Lutris, and others as well!

Cartridges: A Simple Game Launcher With Support for Steam, Lutris, and Others
Don’t want to log in separately? Just want to manage all your games in a neat user interface? Cartridges can help.

Obfuscate is free and an open-source app that lets users censor private information from images!

Obfuscate: The Open-Source Privacy Tool You Need!
Take a step back, use this tool before you share any image online!

😂 Meme

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